Monday 24 September 2012

Love this show, and the films! what girl/woman wouldn't?
Just a picture to admire :)
*Make a third film please*

Thursday 13 September 2012

TV show time!- 90210

90210 is an American tv series, aimed at a younger audience, particularly teenagers. It is focused around the lives of teenagers as they grow up, and become more independent.  We, as an audience watch the characters all grow up, and effectively 'come of age'. From characters like Naomi, the somewhat bossy, self obsessed, but also desperate-for-love teenager, to the independent, non-caring, laid back Ivy; these teenagers are only living how they want, but are also going through, pain, heartache, death, love, multiple hangovers and amazing shopping experiences!...Those wealthy girls need their shoes!
I've always been a fan of the show, having seen some episodes from the old Beverly Hills 90210, I decided to give the new spin off a whirl. Safe to say, I was immediately hooked from the moment it appeared on screen! The characters are so easy to relate to-We had Annie fall in love with a guy who already had a many times have teenage girls experienced that? or women for that matter..
Truthful stories, such as Ivy and Raj's struggle through his constant battle with cancer-a heartbreaking story, yet something thousands of viewers could relate to and fully understand.
And, of course, could I even forget to mention the many perfect boyfriends for silver? I mean, come on...Dixon and her were cute, and while they didn't last long, I think they fitted together nicely-But, then again, Teddy made and appearance, it I felt it was obvious they'd be together. They had their ups and downs, and sometimes it seemed pointless putting them together, but these two trusted each other completely-I mean, silver's just chosen him to father a baby for her!  and Navid, well, they seemed perfect, and she honestly seemed at her happiest when she was with him, but maybe he wasn't quite right, because then she decided she had a 'thing' for Liam...and well, he just matches her so much! I hope they get back together! might not be a show that everyone wants to watch, and though the story lines may sometimes seem repetitive and sometimes, some things can be a tad bit unrealistic, I think you should give it a whirl. You have these teenagers making the mistakes that everyone has made, doing the things everyone has done...and adults-you can watch what your past probably looked like!
I think everyone has their favourite character..I know some who say Naomi, others saying Dixon...Well, personally, I find it hard to choose between Naomi-her bitchy-ness is outweighed by her actual sweet nature, and her need to be loved...however, you're hearing this from a big fan of Liam and Silver-so we'll see what the next series brings and see if I can decide then!
Anyhoo, I hope you give 90210 a try, I can tell you it's worth it...and it's perfect for those pyjama days with Ben and Jerry's ice cream :'D

Wednesday 12 September 2012


Here's a story about a cute little alien, landing on earth and making friends. Sounds simple enough, and not like a very interesting film. You'd be wrong to think that. If the theme tune doesn't get you interested then I don't know what will.
What's funny about E.T is that you have this little boy, Elliot who is somewhat alienated in his school; he's quite lonely and only really has himself as company. Send an Extra Terrestrial  to earth in Elliot's town-surprisingly, you'll find that a boy can be friends with one! Elliot quickly befriends E.T, and decides to teach him various things that humans do. Soon enough, the adorable Gertie finds out what's happening, and decides to stay in on the secret along with their older brother Greg.

It might not sound like a strong plot or something which will keep you interested, however, you'll probably end up being hooked to it...making it a film to watch at Christmas! It's a wonderful family film-meaning yes, adults and kids will love it-I'm 18 and I love it more than ever.
It's well known from the iconic scene where Elliot is riding his bike past the moon, with E.T tucked up and cosy in his basket...and who could say no to seeing a cute alien like him!

P.S. Remember your tissues, you're gonna need them for this one!