Monday 26 November 2012

Gran torino

So, I first saw this film when it appeared at the cinema's. I've always been a fan of Eastwood, so it was obvious I'd go and see it. WOW. This film deserved every bit of praise and credit. Eastwood's acting is brilliant, his directing-amazing and the score at the end is just Beautiful.
Gran Torino for me is one of those films that you can watch with anyone. I've always watched it with my family, which is great because everyone shouts insults out to the gangs! But I could watch it with my friends, because the focus is on the young Hmong family members, and I'm sire every teenager could relate to them. Just like everyone has an element of Walt Kowalski in them. He may be a cynical, racist old man, but he's a man that has a heart like no other, considering how he gives his own life up to protect and save the neighbourhood from been over run by the gangs.

^Here's the ending I'm talking about. Eastwood made an incredible and powerful ending to this film, and one that ultimately, gets the audience thinking. Has he done this to show that you should respect the elderly? Or to show that more respect should be given to those who have and are serving the army? Or to simply accept that you are better than no one? Who know....but this ending certainly makes you emotional, as the audience have grown to like, maybe even love Walt.

I watched this just the other day, and all I can say is, this film has to be in my list of favourites, for one reason-The story is told in such a beautiful, yet tragic way. I can laugh out loud at some parts, and I can cry at the ending, and that to me, is the mixture for a perfect film. 

Just before I end this....can we take a moment to enjoy the beautiful song at the end of the movie. It's so breathtaking, and beautifully written....Give it a listen guys-It speaks out to you in so many ways....

Channy x

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