Wednesday 28 November 2012

Katharine Hepburn

Here's a wonderful actress, who I think has, overtime been somewhat forgotten about. Many people know her as just an 'actress', but she was much more than that. She had fantastic acting skills, both on screen and on stage.  Katharine was an actress for over 60 years-60 years of making wonderful films, entertaning people of all ages, all over the world. She had the ability to make a variety of different films, from comedies to romantic dramas, and she put a great deal of effort into every role she played.

After a period of time when she wasn't so popular, Hepburn signed up to star in The Philadelphia Story-and this became a huge hit....everyone loved it, and this essentially brought her back to Hollywood.
Katharine had real talent, and this is shown through the amount of nominations she recieved over the years. She managed to win quite a few, which is extremely impressive, and I think it shows why people should acknowledge her work, because she is an inspiration to so many young, aspiring actresses out there.
If you haven't already, watch some of her films, because she deserves to be acknowledged for her work, and you won't be disappointed!
 Now you can all admire her beauty!

Thanks for reading!
Channy x

Tuesday 27 November 2012

Product reviews!

So, I thought I'd review some products that I'm fond of using, and also some things that I've recently bought. I've got quite a few things, so hang on in there when reading!

Okay, the first product is Vanilla Dee-Lite body lotions from Lush. They're £11.95, which I think is quite good value, considering how good they are. They smell AMAZING. It's like heaven on earth. I would recommend these to anyone, as they leave my skin feeling so soft and moisturised. They really nourish your skin, and keep you looking all glowing.
Seriously, give them a try, it will be so worth it!

Next up we have Bumble and bumble Creme de coco shampoo, which is quite expensive at £18.50 (from Boots). Now, I know the price is off-putting, and I normally wouldn't spend this much on shampoo, however, I smelt it whilst I was shopping one day, and I just loved the smell. The thing I love about it is that it really stops your hair being dry, and my hair feels much softer since using this. If you can grab a bottle at a discount, I would highly recommend you do so! You wont be disappointed.

Thirdly, the wonderful Yves Saint Laurent Everlong Waterproof mascara...This is £22, so yes, expensive for mascara, but worth every penny in my opinion. My eye lashes look really good when I use this, they don't go too big, and they don't look clumpy. It's also quite easy to take off, and is fantastic when it rains as it doens't smudge at all!

Okay, so earlier this week I bought the Grease soundtrack, from That's Entertainment for £2!! Bargain. It's really good, the songs are so catchy, and they even include the full version of songs that aren't fully played throughout the movie, like 'Those Magic Changes', which we see Danny mime along to at the dance when he's with Sandy.

 I also bought some chocolate pretzels and chocolate covered popcorn, which are perfect for when you're having a film night....just in case you had no plans on friday! 

Thanks for reading, please leave some comments :)

Channy x

Robert Downey JR

Let's talk about the man of many talents...

vBorn April 4th 1965 in Manhattan, New York.

vHad his breakthrough in 1985 with the film ‘Tuff Turf’ and then a bully in John Hughe’s ‘Weird Science’.

vHis first lead role was ‘The Pick-up Artist’.

vHe was cast in a number of leading and supporting roles, including well-received work in a number of semi-independent films: ‘A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints’, ‘Good Night’, ‘Good Luck’, and ‘A Scanner Darkly’  until in 2008 Downey starred in his first two blockbuster films, ‘Iron Man’ and ‘Tropic Thunder’.

vOne of Downey’s key characteristics as an actor is his ability to deliver dry/sarcastic humorous lines whilst keeping a straight face. He does this in many films such as ‘Due Date’, ‘Iron Man’, ‘The Shaggy Dog’, and ‘Sherlock Holmes’ to name a few. This is one thing that leads directors to casting him in films,  which usually lead to huge success of the film.
     Here's and example:
Downey has demonstrated his ability to show emotion in many of his films. Although many other actors can show emotion, Downey can do it in a way that can also effect the people watching him.

Downey is known for his ability to perfom in many high action roles. Some of the things he is well known for in this aspect is:

vDoes his own stunts

vDowney is known for performing his own stunts in films such as ‘Sherlock Holmes’, ‘Iron Man’ and ‘Tropic Thunder’. He takes many weeks to practise these stunts in order to make them seem more realistic.

vFor the film ‘Chaplin’, where Downey plays Charlie Chaplin; Downey studied many of Chaplin’s movies to see how he communicated with other characters, and so that he could develop the specific moves that Chaplin made famous.
     Images showing his determination when taking on action scenes:

Similarly, his actions can be seen in 'Sherlock Holmes' (2008), where Downey is seen fighting. It's auite graphic, however, I believe that he puts so mcuh effort into this and it can be seen that he has trained well for this role.
vDowney has a very distinct voice. Many directors cast Downey because of his ‘different’ voice, which adds to the audience interest of the characters in the film.
vHe is well known for his singing voice as well.
Here is a clip of Downey singing from when he was in Ally McBeal. I personally think that he has an amazing singing voice. I love the raspy sound, and it adds so much emotion to the songs he sings.
This is a wonderful version on this song, and I think that he performs this in such a breathtaking way.
Similarly, he performs the song 'Chances Are' perfectly, alongside singer/actress Vonda Shepard, who is most known for her role in Ally McBeal throughout the series.
    Okay, so there we have it...a post on Robert Downey Jr, one of my absolute favourite actors.  I think we can all tell I love him, and I find him to be an inspiration to many younger actors.
Sorry it's such a long post, but when we're talking Downey, we need time to appreciate the man.
    Adios for now mon amigos, keep reading!
c Channy x

Monday 26 November 2012

Okay, so I thought you should see the girl behind this blog. Well, here I am, all  5ft 3inches :) For those who might wonder, yes, my hair is real-all of it (People have asked me!)
In the top photo I'm in my room, and the second, my sister's room. I love the film 'Grease', and my skirt (worn as a dress on this occasion) was bought because it reminded me of the 50's poodles skirts in the film.

So there we have it :)
Channy x


Soo, I'm currently in my FilmStudies lesson at college....writing a script for my imagined film for my coursework. FUN (not). However, I thought I'd share with you what my film is about, so here's the synopsis:

Naomi is a seventeen year old girl, living the highlife-Free as she can be. She has the whole world to herself, and she's very popular at her school. She's known as the girl who parties hard, smokes like a chimney, and has a 'whatever' attitude. But all of this changes when she finds herself in a situation-a situation which leads to much contemplation, and a dramatic change to her life style. At first, finding out she's pregnant shocks her, but then, she decides she's going to keep the baby-something only she seems to want. After everybody finds out about this, they want nothign to do with her, except her best friend, Chloe. Chloe stands by her thorughout the pregnancy. Naomi takes on the challenege of being a mother, and dramatically changes her life around-maturing and growing up through the process.

Well, there it is. It's not perfect, but you get the picture I'm sure :')
I'm kind of excited to start filming it, and nervous at the same time! There's so much planning, and I'm worried that the editing will go awful....but I don't have to start that for a couple of weeks-so at the moment I can focus on shooting my film, and making some immense bloopers! SO EXCITING!
And, this will hopefully be my earliest and first piece of a few more films I can make (providing I pass a directing course, along side writing for Empire or Total Film Magazine)......A girl can dream.

Let me know what you think of it please! :)

Channy x

Gran torino

So, I first saw this film when it appeared at the cinema's. I've always been a fan of Eastwood, so it was obvious I'd go and see it. WOW. This film deserved every bit of praise and credit. Eastwood's acting is brilliant, his directing-amazing and the score at the end is just Beautiful.
Gran Torino for me is one of those films that you can watch with anyone. I've always watched it with my family, which is great because everyone shouts insults out to the gangs! But I could watch it with my friends, because the focus is on the young Hmong family members, and I'm sire every teenager could relate to them. Just like everyone has an element of Walt Kowalski in them. He may be a cynical, racist old man, but he's a man that has a heart like no other, considering how he gives his own life up to protect and save the neighbourhood from been over run by the gangs.

^Here's the ending I'm talking about. Eastwood made an incredible and powerful ending to this film, and one that ultimately, gets the audience thinking. Has he done this to show that you should respect the elderly? Or to show that more respect should be given to those who have and are serving the army? Or to simply accept that you are better than no one? Who know....but this ending certainly makes you emotional, as the audience have grown to like, maybe even love Walt.

I watched this just the other day, and all I can say is, this film has to be in my list of favourites, for one reason-The story is told in such a beautiful, yet tragic way. I can laugh out loud at some parts, and I can cry at the ending, and that to me, is the mixture for a perfect film. 

Just before I end this....can we take a moment to enjoy the beautiful song at the end of the movie. It's so breathtaking, and beautifully written....Give it a listen guys-It speaks out to you in so many ways....

Channy x

I'm back!

Okay, so it's been a while since I've last posted, and I apologise for this. Recently I've had a load of college work, and heaps of coursework....and I've been sorting my UCAS application out (scary!), and I've also been on holiday! so yeah, busy...But don't worry, I'll be blogging a lot more from now on, so keep watching this space!
Channy x

Sunday 25 November 2012

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Monday 24 September 2012

Love this show, and the films! what girl/woman wouldn't?
Just a picture to admire :)
*Make a third film please*

Thursday 13 September 2012

TV show time!- 90210

90210 is an American tv series, aimed at a younger audience, particularly teenagers. It is focused around the lives of teenagers as they grow up, and become more independent.  We, as an audience watch the characters all grow up, and effectively 'come of age'. From characters like Naomi, the somewhat bossy, self obsessed, but also desperate-for-love teenager, to the independent, non-caring, laid back Ivy; these teenagers are only living how they want, but are also going through, pain, heartache, death, love, multiple hangovers and amazing shopping experiences!...Those wealthy girls need their shoes!
I've always been a fan of the show, having seen some episodes from the old Beverly Hills 90210, I decided to give the new spin off a whirl. Safe to say, I was immediately hooked from the moment it appeared on screen! The characters are so easy to relate to-We had Annie fall in love with a guy who already had a many times have teenage girls experienced that? or women for that matter..
Truthful stories, such as Ivy and Raj's struggle through his constant battle with cancer-a heartbreaking story, yet something thousands of viewers could relate to and fully understand.
And, of course, could I even forget to mention the many perfect boyfriends for silver? I mean, come on...Dixon and her were cute, and while they didn't last long, I think they fitted together nicely-But, then again, Teddy made and appearance, it I felt it was obvious they'd be together. They had their ups and downs, and sometimes it seemed pointless putting them together, but these two trusted each other completely-I mean, silver's just chosen him to father a baby for her!  and Navid, well, they seemed perfect, and she honestly seemed at her happiest when she was with him, but maybe he wasn't quite right, because then she decided she had a 'thing' for Liam...and well, he just matches her so much! I hope they get back together! might not be a show that everyone wants to watch, and though the story lines may sometimes seem repetitive and sometimes, some things can be a tad bit unrealistic, I think you should give it a whirl. You have these teenagers making the mistakes that everyone has made, doing the things everyone has done...and adults-you can watch what your past probably looked like!
I think everyone has their favourite character..I know some who say Naomi, others saying Dixon...Well, personally, I find it hard to choose between Naomi-her bitchy-ness is outweighed by her actual sweet nature, and her need to be loved...however, you're hearing this from a big fan of Liam and Silver-so we'll see what the next series brings and see if I can decide then!
Anyhoo, I hope you give 90210 a try, I can tell you it's worth it...and it's perfect for those pyjama days with Ben and Jerry's ice cream :'D

Wednesday 12 September 2012


Here's a story about a cute little alien, landing on earth and making friends. Sounds simple enough, and not like a very interesting film. You'd be wrong to think that. If the theme tune doesn't get you interested then I don't know what will.
What's funny about E.T is that you have this little boy, Elliot who is somewhat alienated in his school; he's quite lonely and only really has himself as company. Send an Extra Terrestrial  to earth in Elliot's town-surprisingly, you'll find that a boy can be friends with one! Elliot quickly befriends E.T, and decides to teach him various things that humans do. Soon enough, the adorable Gertie finds out what's happening, and decides to stay in on the secret along with their older brother Greg.

It might not sound like a strong plot or something which will keep you interested, however, you'll probably end up being hooked to it...making it a film to watch at Christmas! It's a wonderful family film-meaning yes, adults and kids will love it-I'm 18 and I love it more than ever.
It's well known from the iconic scene where Elliot is riding his bike past the moon, with E.T tucked up and cosy in his basket...and who could say no to seeing a cute alien like him!

P.S. Remember your tissues, you're gonna need them for this one!

Friday 10 August 2012

The Wizard of OZ

I first saw 'The Wizard of OZ' when I was about 4 years old. Obviously, at that age I didn't take much of it in, especially the beginning with it being in black and white, I thought I wouldn't enjoy...but I was completely wrong!
I remember being completely shocked and fascinated when the film changed in to colour, and I believe this still makes the film so exciting to watch. The best thing about it-Those glittery red shoes! It still amazes me how they sparkle and glitter even after their adventure!
That aside, this film is still perfect to watch at Christmas with the family, and the songs are one's which no one will ever forget. Which is why people still love it today, and will go on to love it. There's no wonder it's been on countless lists as the most loved film!


This is my new blog all about.....films!

I love watching films, and I also love writing about them, so here's a place where I can write about the film's I've watched. I'll be writing about old films, New films; from Sci-fi to Disney etc! I will also be writing about directors, actors, actresses etc, and I'll probably write about some tv shows!
As well as focusing on films and tv, I will talk about general things-what I've done, all the girly things like fashion, shopping etc. I'm a HUGE lover of cooking, and I'm always making cupcakes, so you'll see some of this also.....However, films will be my main priority :)
I hope you enjoy reading this blog, and any feed back would be great, as I would love to work for a film magazine one day, and be the film enthusiast that I am for life! Enjoy!
P.S. My name's Chantelle, but I'm known as Channy! x